A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,171,935 Issue: 634 | 28th day of Awakening, Y16
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The Villains' Meeting
The only activity was deep within the stone walls of Count Von Roo's castle. In the innermost room, a roaring fire added flickering, sinister light to a large oak table and the varied group that set about that table.

by tj_wagner


The Lost Prophecy: Part One
A startling prophecy, a mysterious conspiracy, and, above all, that green-and-white satellite in the sky...

by cursedpens


"Don't worry, I'll be able to fix these troubles. Soon you won't have to worry about anything anymore."

by racerfishy


Theories on the Origin of Meuka
Our thoughts on the elusive creation of Meuka.

Also by suspensiion

by therainbowsheep

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