Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,232,007 Issue: 637 | 21st day of Running, Y16
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Slushie Vs. Noise

by piiucca

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Kadoatie's Day Out
"After you eat," Princess Jules said, petting his back without noticing his lack of purring, "we'll get you all cleaned up with a nice warm bath!"

That's it, Sir Purrsalot thought. I have to get out of here.

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The Earth Faerie: Part Two
"Knox was turned into a Mortog!"

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Awaking the Great Turmaculus: Part Three
I was so stressed about visiting Turmaculus once again that I completely forgot about my little petpet and I couldn't find him anywhere...

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by sky_lady


Getting Painted?
Well, things like how you got your 'color' can be sensitive. :I

by kungenavmaskrosor

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