Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,452,307 Issue: 644 | 9th day of Hunting, Y16
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The Eccentric Tastes of the Ghost Lupe

by fanlia

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The Blumaroo With The Future In Her Eyes
It's raining. It's raining on this land wet by tears.

by martia_elior


Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Seven
"I reckoned I knew what poverty looked like. My da, he was a brickmaker. We were never swimming in neopoints, and I think he about keeled over with relief when I got sponsored to be a page and he didn't have to pay for my keep anymore. But... what I saw in Abyssal Acres was worse, way worse..."

by shinkoryu14


Tales of the Monoceraptor
The rock was harsh and unforgiving against her lower spine, but Ugga-Lulu sat still regardless, mesmerized...

by nycflowergirl


Tyrannian by Any Other Paint
The giggling gaggle of young Aishas and Usuls put Epsilonic on edge, and rightly so.

by almedha

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