A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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by macteazle

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Great stories!


Beauty Hides in the Deep: Part One
Navi is perfect. She has pale blue skin and a mane that flows through water like a moonbeam. Her hooves are dainty and gold, and in her finery she looks fit to be queen.

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Dark Tower Down
No one in Neopia will forget the day that Faerieland fell from the sky. But what most of us didn't know was that some parts of it stayed airborne.

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The Golden Quill: Part Three
"I grew up much like you, but I was treated better because I was a natural dark faerie. But I wasn't exactly popular among the dark faerie children..."

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The Cross-Painted Curse: Part One
"What's happened? I thought you were at the games room?" I'm really concerned. Her eyes have gone all Angry Meepit on me.

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