For an easier life Circulation: 192,519,493 Issue: 651 | 27th day of Relaxing, Y16
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by cherryx2boomx3

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Letters From an Ice Muncher
I write this letter to you to inform you of the best ice to munch on in all of Neopia...

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Lost and Found
It was a baby Aisha, wrapped in a blanket, sitting in a basket that was placed on an empty bench. Mia looked to her left and right. No one else seemed to notice the baby.

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Those Left Behind: Part Four
Shenkuu was beautiful in the summer. The calls of a thousand kinds of petpets formed a rich symphony...

by frazeocity


Agent of the Sway: Recovery - Part Four
Lady Falmouth rushed along the pink corridors of the Faerieland castle. It was unusual for the white Xweetok to be summoned with such immediacy - the Queen must have had good reason to call on her.

by herdygerdy

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