Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,704,602 Issue: 657 | 8th day of Hiding, Y16
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The Goofers - Cousin's visit, finale

by lintsuf

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Osmious's Paint-staking Research
Okay, Osmious thought. The paint comes out fast when I activate the brush, but I've done this before. I just have to work quickly.

by ag1228l


Try Not to Panic
Always check your work before handing it in.

by panaesop


Summer Reading List: It's Not Too Late!
All the books listed in today's article are both easy to read and rather enjoyable in this blazing heat.

by lunafaeire


A So-Called Vacation
"All of you, pack up! We're going on vacation to Mystery Island!"

by melina322

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