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Girl Power! The Top 10 Most Powerful Women in Neopia

by darigonia


Throughout Neopia, we see plenty of powerful guys. You know, King Skarl. King Hagan. King Kelpbeard. King Altador... Dr. Sloth. However, as Neopians we fail to recognize the girls around the world who keep Neopia afloat just as well as the guys. They deserve just as much credit because, after all, they manage to keep things running smoothly all while keeping their manicures in check and their hairdos in place. In honor of these outstanding women, I present to you Girl Power! The Top 10 Most Powerful Women in Neopia.

10. Captain Brynneth: Brynn is one Kougra you definitely don't want to mess with. Hailing from the kingdom of Brightvale, she helped in taking down the wicked Xandra and was named Captain of the Guard for all of Faerieland by Queen Fyora herself! It's Brynn's watchful eye and her love for her job that helps keep Faerieland one of the loveliest places in all of Neopia.

9. Princess Lunara: This Shenkuu-born Cybunny is the up-and-coming Empress of one of the most influential regions in Neopia. Sure, she faked her own kidnapping, but that's (almost) justifiable; don't we ALL have our moments? As future leader of Shenkuu, Lunara has a lot of say in matters all around Neopia, and she's definitely a woman to watch.

8. Mira the Space Faerie: Sure, she's rarely seen in Neopia since she's always flying around our surrounding galaxies, but she's one of the most heroic women Neopia has ever seen! Zipping around the Space Station, Kreludor, and more, she's stopped the dastardly Dr. Sloth almost too many times to count! Not to mention she's favored all around Neopia for her level-boosting quests. Mira is one hero that definitely doesn't get enough attention, but her influence is clearly immeasurable.

7. Roberta of Brightvale: Another Princess, Roberta's one Acara who's really done it all. She's a diplomat, a sorceress, a hero, a shopkeeper, AND a member of Brightvale's royal family! She turned the Darkest Faerie into stone when she broke out of her thousand-year slumber, sells powerful scrolls at the Brightvale Scrollery, and is going to be the Queen of Brightvale--one of Neopia's most formidable kingdoms. Roberta is no doubt powerful, and I can't wait until the day she takes over the throne of Brightvale so it becomes apparent to all Neopians.

6. Jhudora & Illusen: Spot number 6 is a tie between the two because, well, they're both equal in influence. Jhudora the Dark Faerie and Illusen the Earth Faerie both have loyal followings and THOUSANDS of Neopians are willing to do their quests each and every day. Only a few other Neopians can say they have a cult following full of people who just love to do their bidding! While Jhudora resides on a rocky bluff in Faerieland and Illusen in a wooded part of Meridell, these two are equal in their magical powers and influence, making them both worthy of a spot on this list.

5. Jerdana: This amazing Aisha is perhaps the closest adviser to King Altador himself. She helped save Neopia by aiding Roberta, and even created the orb that turned the Darkest Faerie to stone! She's one of the most powerful sorceresses in all of Neopia, and her close relationship with Altador makes her one lady that definitely runs things.

4. Kauvara: Now, you might be wondering why a seemingly humdrum sorceress shopkeeper is on this list. You might be thinking that she just conjures up potions all day, and that she's nothing special... But her potions are EXACTLY what make her special. Kauvara brews up the most sought after potions in all of Neopia! Morphing potions, Battledome potions, healing potions... You name it! Most of them aren't too easy on your pockets, however. Based on how quickly her shelves go empty, I think it's safe to say that Kauvara is easily one of the richest Kaus in all of Neopia! All of that wealth combined with her fierce magical abilities definitely make her one to reckon with.

3. Princess Amira: The oldest daughter of King Coltzan III, Amira is the next Queen of Sakhmet. Thought to be one of the most beautiful Aishas in all of Neopia, she has had countless suitors. Her qualities of loveliness, charm, grace, and stubbornness will all help her to become of the best leaders Neopia has ever seen as soon as she takes the throne of Sakhmet. With her beauty alone she's powerful, but imagine her influence once she takes the reigns of an entire kingdom in the Lost Desert!

2. The Duchess: Not much is known about this mysterious Lenny. All anyone really knows is that she's the leader of the Sway, and she's a master at chess. She only recently surfaced during the War for the Obelisk in Tyrannia. No one knows exactly where she's from, who she is, or what she plans to do, but her thirst for power has benefited the Sway many times, and her influence over the Sway's members is absolutely shocking... After all, when she writes, "attendance is mandatory," there's a special emphasis on "mandatory."

1. Queen Fyora: Of course! Our favorite Hidden Tower-running Queen of Faerieland, Fyora is one of Neopia's most beloved figures. She's a leader to all of Faerieland and a savior to all of Neopia, as she trapped the Darkest Faerie in the form of a statue many centuries ago. She's kept Neopia safe for years and years, and she's proven that even when she's pushed down she still rises up. Even after Faerieland's fall, she's helped immensely in the efforts to rebuild, and we couldn't be prouder of her.

So there you have it! The 10 most powerful and influential women and girls in all of Neopia. We saw some good, like Fyora, and some bad, like Jhudora, but nevertheless they're all responsible for keeping places, people, events, and groups all around Neopia ticking like clockwork. Next time you bump into one of these women, whether it be in the Council Chamber of Altador or the Battleground at the Obelisk, take a moment to recognize how many they've influenced, and just how that you, gentle Neopian, can do the same.

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