Hubrid's Hero Heist: In-Depth by saudadesdagripe
Halloween is one of my favourite dates of the year, to be honest. And another thing I really like too are game guides. So why not combine the two of them?! Thinking this way, after a little preparation, I decided to write a guide of a game I like very much, but somehow people almost never hear of it – it's Hubrid's Hero Heist. This game is very old, but only a few people have ever played it, hence its low popularity; now here I am, hoping things are going to change!
Making your way through 36 different levels, your final objective is to rescue a total of six heroes from Hubrid Nox. To complete a level, you need to kill all the enemies in it. Yes, the game does sounds simple, but it can be a little tricky. - Things You Must Know - Firstly, to the basics: Use your arrow keys to control the Poogle (I don't think he's got a name) and use your space bar to cast a spell on your enemies. If you successfully manage to hit an enemy with your spell, it won't be killed right away, but it will shrink instead. After shrinking your enemy, simply walk by it – the Poogle will step on it, finally killing it. After killing an enemy, an item will randomly appear on the screen. The items are worth between 100 and 5000 points, but they'll quickly disappear if you don't get them in time. So, my advice is to kill an enemy, get the item, kill another enemy, get the item, and so on. Unfortunately, you won't be able to keep with this strategy for too long – there is a time limit to complete the levels, and sometimes there are so many enemies on a level that you won't have enough time to collect the item before killing another enemy. If you've got enough time, get the item; if you don't, leave it. Saving your life is more important than some points. One thing that's very, very useful is the ability of teleportation. If you press your down arrow key and the space bar, the Poogle will be transported to the floor that's below him; the same works for the up arrow key, but this time the Poogle will go up. But keep in mind that this only works if the floor is directly above or below the Poogle. - Enemies Info - But let's not forget about the enemies! There aren't many of them, but they work in very different ways, and you need to be ready to face each one of them.
The Kacheek is the most ordinary enemy in the game – it doesn't do anything other than wander around. Bleh. The JubJub is no more special than the Kacheek. However, JubJubs are faster than the Kacheeks, but that's it.
Lupes and Shoyrus, though, must be feared. They have the ability to thrown things at you. If they hit you, you will lose a life. Basically, the only difference between them is that the Lupes are going to walk around the entire map and Shoyrus always stay on the same floor they started on.
The Chia is a mix of a Kacheek and a Lupe. They won't throw things at you; they'll throw themselves at you! If you step close enough to one of them, it will lie down on the floor and launch itself at your direction. Be careful!
There is only one more kind of enemy, and it's the worst of them. The Dark Faerie isn't found in every level, but at very specific ones (levels 6, 21, 26, 35 and 36). The Dark Faerie can't be killed, and that's not the worst part of it. She will disappear and appear randomly on the map, and when she appears, she will shoot a dark orb of doom at you (emphasis on "doom" because you will probably lose count of how many lives you will be killed because of that orbs) and you've got to think very fast so you won't be killed – the ability of teleportation comes very handy in here. - The Game - As I already said there are 36 levels and you need to save six different heroes, which means you'll be saving one hero per six levels. I will consider that every six levels are a "chapter" of the game for better explanation, but it won't change anything.
First Chapter: The first six levels of the game and you will be already facing almost every enemy there is – with exception of the Chia. Remember about that first technique I told you about: kill an enemy and get the item; you are only in the beginning of the game, and every point makes the difference. If by any chance you lose a life, restart the game. After finishing the first chapter, a chest will appear on the screen telling you you've successfully rescued Magnus the Torch.
Second Chapter: Say hello to the Chias! Do you see these holes on the floor right on level 7? If you fall in them, you won't lose a life. Instead, you will go to the upper part of the map; if you don't get what I said, just jump in the hole and you will see. Remember about the ability of teleportation, it's very useful for accessing places quicker and escaping from enemies. Finish the chapter and you will save Jeran.
Third Chapter: Since you have already met all the enemies, there are no more surprises on the game. It will now only get harder, with maps filled with more enemies than before. My only worry about this chapter is the level 16 – right in the beginning there's a chance all the enemies will be heading towards you and you have to move very quickly so you don't die. After saving Master Vex, you will be halfway through completing the game!
Fourth Chapter: It took me a lot of tries to finish this chapter and I sincerely hope the same doesn't happen to you. Timing is very important on this game, especially in levels in which there are only Shoyrus – such as level 21. I know there's a time limit to complete the levels, but that doesn't mean you need to hurry things. If you do, chances are you will mess something up and lose a life. Illusen will be rescued after completing this chapter.
Fifth Chapter: Even though it's the fifth chapter, it doesn't necessarily mean the game is way more difficult than before. In fact, I think the forth chapter is harder than this one. To complete this chapter and save Jerdana, you will need to think before you act. Remember to be extra careful with Lupes and Chias.
Sixth Chapter: Ah, the last one! The Poogle is now in Faerieland, and he needs your help to rescue Fyora. You didn't expect the game to be easy to complete, right? Levels 35 and 36 are the hardest in the game, and both of them have the Dark Faerie. Hopefully you will beat them on your first tries.
- After Completing The Game - ...And you completed the game! Congratulations! See? This game isn't that hard, and it's very fun to play. If you didn't score high enough for a trophy, don't worry; even though luck helps a little, practice is the key for this game. The more you practise, the better you get, and higher your score is! Now, let me rest a little, and see you on the next game guide. ;)