Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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Only in Neopia

by mandypandy667

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Hotshots: Part One
Mortman peered out into the dimness and the mist of the fens that surrounded Kiko Lake. It was midnight...

by saphira_27


The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Six
The next morning, I pack my bags and take Flintley's journal in hand. When my search for the farmer yields nothing, I step outside the house and shield my eyes.

by lizzy_beth_750551


The Mortog Prince
LONG AGO, when the faeries were young, in the floating kingdom of Faerieland, there lived two faerie friends more beautiful than the rest.

by the_lady_j


Downsizing Dilemmas!
Have you ever made the decision to downsize your number of pets, and six days later, you still haven't decided which pets to give away?

by indulgences

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