Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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Desperate Times at the Kadoatery

by industrial

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A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part Nine
The purple Lenny stood up, drew herself to her full height and shook her head. "Foolish child," she spat.

by dogz_rock_98


The Dazzling Peachpa
One day, a blue Hissi finds a Peachpa of an unwordly beauty...

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Fleurbik Gets a New Friend!
But there isn't enough room for the both of them.

by teasheriff


Neopian Public Speaking 101
The most important thing is to believe in yourself. No one in the room is going to know the material better than you do.

by parody_ham

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