Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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by durrhurrhurr

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What to Do When You're Restock Banned
Most restockers have been there. You sit there refreshing the page desperately, only to discover that every shop is simply out of stock.

by terabithian


Worth Searching For: Part Nine
Roberta's directions proved to be far more helpful than she'd predicted. Hyren, Blynn, Celice, and Gwyneth found the turnoff easily, and by nightfall they'd begun to make their way up into the wooded mountains.

by cosmicfire918


Scorchy Slots: Part Two
He doesn't learn, does he?

Also by vincent7577

by msjanny


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Three
"It would explain all the damage, why everyone who witnessed the crimes were so shaken up, and why there was no clues pointing to a Neopet."

by chasing_stars44

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