For an easier life Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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Why We Can't Have Nice Things

by stoicjohn

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Swab the Deck: A Stowaway Sting Guide
If you have ever wanted to be a pirate, then playing Stowaway Sting is a good start.

by terabithian


Hotshots: Part Three
"He used to be Guild?" Paselle asked dubiously. "Can we trust someone who used to be Guild?"

by saphira_27


One Shred of Light: Part Seven
Caelum sighed as she consulted a map. Neovia was the closest settlement to where she was. It was a day's journey into the forest.

by kristykimmy


The Second Interview
"Sweete! Sweete! Wake up, you've overslept!"

by sushicat1__20

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