Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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by chemoi

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Dinner with the Scarlets: Grave Danger
Then again, I don’t know if Kell and Corbin could have trained a Petpet to set up those Musical Plants anyway.

by june_scarlet


The Top Five Best & Worst Christmas Toys for your Neopet
Why should we give our Neopets LOUSY TOYS?

by liesl_1997_11


Wait, is Tombstones doing chores?

by ghostkomorichu


To Space!: Part One
The orange Aisha lay out on the roof of her Neohome, blue gaze sad. For the last six months, ever since her twelfth birthday, Brandi had had a new obsession: space.

by 77thbigby

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