Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 193,052,220 Issue: 677 | 23rd day of Sleeping, Y17
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Shopping with Friends

by msjanny

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Why a Hissi Can't Be Trusted
Sometimes my love for chocolate is just too strong.

by kristofferson


The Scientist's Apprentice: Part Three
He did get to be a scientist's apprentice, somewhat. Darren recruited him to work in the basement laboratory, helping him with his new science project of transporting Parlan back in time.

by vanessa1357924680


First Petpet
"These skittish Petpets are very timid. Not surprising if people keep trying to eat you..."

by bl1nd3d


The Path: Part Three
"Yes, I must go. Fyora didn't believe my story and I need to tell it all to Rose, or she'll be worried."

by sakura_dreamer

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