Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,289,537 Issue: 681 | 15th day of Hunting, Y17
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What if Colours Didn't Exist?

by stephsie

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August's Wish
"Wow! I can't believe we're finally in Shenkuu!" May exclaimed, his bushy tail swinging behind him as he swiveled every which way.

by themaybird


Sketch Borovan- Have you heard?
No, I haven't.

by izzywizard


Book Of Oddities: Qasalan Expellibox
Scarabs defy all logic, to be honest.

by rosabelle101


Quiggle Problems
Mr. Quiggle bought a Vanilla Quiggle Cupcake and enjoyed it for the most part...

by toffeedatepudding

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