Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,467,272 Issue: 689 | 10th day of Swimming, Y17
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Sewage Surfer

by msjanny

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The Kiddie Krusade: Omelette
Look before you eat!

by fancypants200


Guide to Guild Success: Part 1
Get to know why your guild members are the most important addition to your guild

Also by imgonnageta.

by sosudude


The Door Closes: Part Six
Clouds of sand lash through the sky above, staining most of it orange and a few scarce threads of it red. For the first time, I feel like something I'm going through could be a dream in my dreamless life. So I blink once. Twice. Three times.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


10 Bouquets For (almost) Every Occasion
There are plenty of bouquets around Neopia and they can be suitable for occasions of all kinds. But with such a wide choice there are many Neopians who get stuck with the mind numbing fear that they may accidentally choose a bouquet inappropriate for the occasion. And if you do that then you know for sure you won't be receiving an invitation for the latest Neopian Ball. However this guide is here to help guide you to make the perfect bouquet choice for any occasion

by usukii

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