Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,453,319 Issue: 691 | 24th day of Swimming, Y17
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The Nut Farm

by ramheart

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Mother's Balloon: Part Seven
The Worthingtons went to work, but their houseguest remained in her seat. She did not try to help this time around, and she wondered if she ever would again. Her hands hurt too much to hold a knife to slice cheese or butter bread, and even if she was able to carry her own plate to the table, she would probably just drop it and smash it on the floor, and then everyone would step on the pieces, and would end up dropping their dishes as well.

by dewdropzz


Tales From Elysian Fields: Neopian Appetites
You’re entering a world as real as you make it out to be; there are no limitations to the possible inputs and outputs. But unlike an equation, you can’t chart relics of a time yet to come — an opening into the dark matter before us. Free from the shackles of reality, you are about to take a walk in Elysian Fields.

by bug0704


Buried Gold!
My basic prize when I play this game...

by kaddisti


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Three
Jeran scoured the castle for his sister, a tiny shred of worry in his heart. It was well known he was protective of his sister, despite her being a powerful sorceress. She usually came to him when he called for her, as he did to her, out of mutual respect for the other, but there was no pattering of light footsteps coming towards him, no happy hug to see her brother not training.

by dudeiloled

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