White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,453,319 Issue: 691 | 24th day of Swimming, Y17
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Conspiracy Theory - Is Fyora a Dark Faerie?
Sure, we all love Queen Fyora. She’s the gracious ruler of Faerieland. She oversees the Faerie Quests that help us pets gain levels and get painted rare colors. She keeps Faerieland running at its prime. But how much do we really know about the Faerie Queen?

by goodsigns


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Three
Jeran scoured the castle for his sister, a tiny shred of worry in his heart. It was well known he was protective of his sister, despite her being a powerful sorceress. She usually came to him when he called for her, as he did to her, out of mutual respect for the other, but there was no pattering of light footsteps coming towards him, no happy hug to see her brother not training.

by dudeiloled


Peophins & Unis
Mission accomplished.

Idea by mercy_angel

by replying


Haunted Milk
That may have been a mistake...

by lighters_

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