The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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Selfie Moment!

by sppyder2

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Detective Alisha: The Red Apple 2
That was an unusual thing to say...

by roxanna203


The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Four
The trio used the trees as their cover. With each step, more pirates became visible to them, many carrying weapons. The scattered pirates all marched in the opposite direction in which Trina was headed. The rain lessened as a black silhouette—a castle—rose into the scene. For the pirate’s headquarters, Trina declared, it appeared to be just as bad as them.

by ummagine3284


How Neopets Can Help You: A Lifelong Journey
As the summer is winding down, many Neopians are hurriedly attempting to accomplish their goals before the wisps of summer holidays and freedom starts to whiz past them into the distance. As the day darkens and the pace of your mouse’s clicking quickens, don’t fear, little Neopians. For the time spent on Neopets, no matter how big or small the accomplishments earned, can garner quite a few life skills that can be useful to you both on and off a dim yellow screen.

by christielove


Kiko Pop
The real reason Kiko's wear bandages...

by khakio_21

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