Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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How to Embarrass Yourself in Public

by ghostie_of_the_fc

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Two brothers decide to run out and get some dinner.

by dizziedino


The Dilemma of the Bad Gamer
If you felt like the living embodiment of the grey Wocky avatar at the mention of games and trophies, you might be facing the dilemma of the bad gamer.

by sassyxsandra


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Four
King Skarl stared at the letter in his hands. He couldn't quite believe what he was reading. It was completely unexpected. They hadn't conversed in years, but now he wanted to write to him? This was odd. Something didn't quite add up.

by dudeiloled


Daily Question
Oh those bragging Kiko's...

by mustikeuh121

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