The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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700th Celebration

by amarettoball

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*Hands Cookies*
700 issues worth of cookies... Yikes

Also by sanamm

by admonisher


How to Lose Neopoints
They fill up your home so that there's barely any room for you and your pets. And wedged in the one free corner of your Neohome that's not yet overtaken by the towers of Neopoints, with your Zafara's elbow poking you in the ribcage and your Aisha's earstalk tickling your nose, you ask yourself: what now?

by frazeocity


Fun Customization Items to Celebrate Issue #700!
Of course, that means we need some party-themed customization items. It’s time to bring out enough balloons to re-float Faerieland; enough cake to satisfy King Skarl; and perhaps enough confetti to temporarily distract everyone while the meepits–

Also by Altariagirl280

by ccr153lucky2


Trouble in Paradise: Celebrations
This is what happens when you are born near a celebrated day.

by chasing_stars44

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