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Snazzy-ish: Haven't Seen Her Around...

by volx

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Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Eleven
“This place is amazing!” Illere gasped as she gazed at the breathtaking scenery. She looked up at the bright blue sky and the puffy white clouds. The sight of daisies blooming on the vast green meadow made her smile, and yet she couldn’t help feeling a chill go down her spine.

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Hannah's Untimely Dawn: Part Two
Hannah almost didn’t realize she was being carried through the forests of Krawk Island, so dazed was she with her own thoughts and her grandfather’s condition. One of his arms was around her, and the other held the box containing the Mermaid’s Tear. He’s strong. He can protect me—and that bit of Grandma in the tear, too. she thought.

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Peril in Brightvale's Beryl Meadows
The sisters treaded through lush green meadows, enjoying the vibrant voices of the birds as they approached their new home in Brightvale. The comforting breeze loosened leaves from their branches and danced upon the ladies' skin. Their hair twirled in the wind, reflecting bright sunshine. The grass was slightly dewy from the previous night's rainfall. When they reached their beautiful abode, they gazed in awe at its contents.

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The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Seven
Master Vex paced up and down the cold dungeon. A drip of water persistently hit his head, but he was used to this as he walked this walk every morning and every night. He had been doing so for the past twenty years; nothing was new anymore.

by dudeiloled

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