Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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Just Let Him Be

by supertualet

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Great stories!


Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Eleven
“This place is amazing!” Illere gasped as she gazed at the breathtaking scenery. She looked up at the bright blue sky and the puffy white clouds. The sight of daisies blooming on the vast green meadow made her smile, and yet she couldn’t help feeling a chill go down her spine.

by downrightdude


The Age Old Question
Which is it?

Also by 69uglygreenwhale

by sarah2396


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Five
The first thing that I needed to do was get away from these two and find someone that wasn't under Shadow's control. It was likely that Xavier was hypnotized as well (that was if what Mae told me earlier was true). I really hoped that Mae or Jane were still okay -- I literally had no one else to turn to.

by chasing_stars44


An Unsootable Pair
Oh no...

by khanhm666

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