The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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by saudadesdagripe

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Great stories!


The Warrior Princss: The Coronation: Part Five
Terrence grimaced and continued.” Mara is my step-mom. She was always very kind and caring to us. Stephanie and I got along okay and we were a happy family. My dad never saw her betrayal coming, but I suspected something was up when she began to act in a strange manner. She became jumpy and nervous..."

by purplbrooke


Zeesh: Giant Weewoos!?
There's no such thing as giant weewoos...right?

by the_princess_z


One Hundred Games - Part One
his article (actually, it'll be split into two parts) will go into detail about the first hundred games ever to have been created. A very small number of these games are still playable today, so unless you've been around here for a very long time, this will probably be new.

by azienskieth


Guess Who's a Sore Loser?
Payback is tough.

Also by lennekegirl123

by table

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