Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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Kad Problems?!

by praline01

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Edible Escapades: Part Three
Kocrel tries a delicacy that "livens" his taste buds.

Also by priscent

by msjanny


Petpets in Peril: Part Two
Welcome to the second instalment of Petpets in Peril, articles looking at games that feature petpets. Each game is reviewed and given a peril rating. Last week we covered games that saved petpets from danger, so now lets move onto games where you put petpets into peril!

by ratty170170


The Jubjub Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree
Or Was That A Coconut?

by mustikeuh121


Mealtimes don't always go exactly to plan...

by _clement_

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