The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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Kass Basher Troubles

by stephsie

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Favorite Owner
Don't pick favorites; it usually doesn't end well.

by amarettoball


15 Ways To Know You Should Never Own A Petpet
So, you're considering getting a petpet, eh? That very thought makes me laugh. Well, you might really...and let me stress, really...want to think hard about it before spending one single neopoint on those creatures. Yes they're lovable and cute and all that jazz, but believe me, there are quite a few reasons why you personally might not be ready to take on the responsibility. Let's examine some.

by brittanyandsteven


Neopia's Top Grundo Day Commodities
Around Grundo Day, many Neopians are at a loss when trying to decide how to celebrate. There are hundreds of wonderful Grundo items to choose from, each one seeming as promising as the next. Therefore, I have provided my recommendations for the best Grundo items, in my opinion.

by _brainchild_


At An Interview
Why, what a silly question!

by wokitana

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