Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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Aisha Soup: Wig Out!

by the_shii

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So You're Having a Bad Day
Dedicated to any Neopets player who's had a bad day. That means you.

by ellbot1998


Things You Love, But Will Never Have…
>I thought I'd wander over to the Help Neoboard and ask the people there what goals THEY admire, but will never have themselves. I received a lot of thought-provoking and interesting replies! I omitted the commonplace ones from this article, such as expensive pets and galleries. Instead, I wrote about the more interesting and unique goals that the players have!

by indulgences


The Secret Lives of Invisible Pets
With a little saving you could have your very own invisible pet! However, it’s just possible that when you paint your pet, a little more goes on than you had first expected…

by katzam


Avatar Pet Problems
Please no more popcorn!

by aynathie

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