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20 of the Best Wearables for 700NP (Or Less!)
This special list is my choices in these four common categories that you can get for 700NP or less, with my “Top 5” of sorts in each section.

by auraichadora


The Purpose of the Press
The door to Professor Lambert’s chambers creaked open. The Gnorbu looked up from his daily reading and twitched his ear. “Ah, you must be Jacob, come right this way!” he said, motioning to the seat in front of his desk. “Now, I have your file pulled out already. I gave it a read over my lunch break, I hope you don’t mind. Your résumé is very impressive indeed.”

by opossumman


Low Budget Advertising for the Obelisk War
Starring the Obelisk Factions and... cardboard boxes?

by siuku


Neopian Times 700th Anniversary!
I mean... Just look at him!

Also by tkprtyrhd

by femu

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