Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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Neopian Times 700th Anniversary!

by femu

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Great stories!


Blossoms~ Retry Part 10
I swear I've seen something like this before... *glances to Issue 603*

by twillieblossom


Adventures Aren't Just in Books: Part One
“Come on, up you get.”


“You are going to have to leave your bed at some point.”

“Exactly. Some point. As in not right now.”

by kitstar1


Agent 700
Agent 00 Hog sat at his Cheat table, absent-mindedly flinging card after card across the hall. He was particularly good at flinging playing cards, but today, even that could not hold his attention. It had been a long and rather boring day, the yellow Moehog thought with a sigh.

by vanessa1357924680


The Rickety Ship: Weewoo Planet
Don't trust these guys.

by dimartedi

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