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Guide to Ice Cream Machine

by golvenzee


Have you ever wondered what happens when you eat too much ice cream? It happened to Adee the chia. She had ice cream for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. And now she’s trapped into some strange dream where the ice cream is attacking her! And that is what Ice Cream Machine is all about!

To play this game you move Adee with your mouse and you try to dodge all the scoops that are coming towards you. You earn 5 points for every scoop that reaches the top of the screen and for every scoop that hits you, you lose a life. You start the game with 3 lives.

There are 13 different levels, and for each one you need to dodge a certain amount of scoops to go to the next one. Here is a list of all the levels and the goal you need to reach.

  • Strawberry: 25

  • Vanilla: 50

  • Chocolate: 75

  • Mint: 100

  • Blueberry: 125

  • Vanilla chocolate chip: 150

  • Strawberry vanilla chocolate: 175

  • Peach: 200

  • Vanilla chocolate swirl: 225

  • Double chocolate: 250

  • Tigersquash: 275

  • Rainbowberry: 300

  • Garlicky bratwurst: 325

When the goal of a certain level is reached, no more new scoops will appear. You still have to avoid all the ones left on the screen. As I mentioned before, for every scoop that reaches the top of the screen, you earn 5 points. This also means that any power ups you don’t catch will earn you 5 points. If the ice cream has a caramel topping, strawberry topping or chocolate topping it will double the score and give you 10 points.

Of course there are also power ups in the game. When and where they will appear is completely random. There are two types of power ups. Some will add up, and others will (other than their own effect) also reset the effects of the first group.

The first group are the ones that add up.

Larger or smaller : This will make Adee one size larger or smaller. Avoid the larger power up at all times. The bigger Adee becomes, the harder it gets to avoid touching any scoops. The smaller power up is great though, it’s easier to dodge the ice cream with a tiny Adee.

Speed up or slow down: You might think if the scoops move slower, you have more time to avoid them. This is not true! In the earlier levels the slow down power up will make your game awfully slow. In any later levels where there are more scoops on the screen at once, it will only cause you losing lives. It does not matter how fast or slow the scoops go, new scoops will appear on the screen at the same speed. Slowing down the game will cause more scoops on the screen at once, making it a lot harder to dodge them. If you do lose a life, the speed of the game will NOT be reset. Once you’re stuck with slow scoops in the later levels, this usually causes a game over. As much as I dislike the slow down one, I love the speed up power up. Less scoops will be on the screen at once, making your life so much easier!

tldr: Don’t ever take the slow down power up, go for the speed up one whenever possible.

As I mentioned before, any power ups in the second group have their own effect and will also reset speed and size.

Extra life : This will give you an extra life. Extra lives are probably the most important power up in the game. If you don’t get any, you probably won’t survive long in the later levels.

Fish and Cherry bonus : These will give you 250 and 100 points respectively. Always go for the bonuses, they can really help you get a nice score. Only 4 of those fish bonuses will give you an extra 1000 points already! In order to get the avatar or a high score, you need to get as many of these as possible.

Shield : This gives you a shield for 5 seconds. After 3 seconds it will turn red to let you know that the shield will disappear again soon.

Strawberry bomb : This clears all the scoops on the screen. I don’t think this is worth it, it also clears all scoops you successfully dodged before. But if you’re stuck somewhere and a strawberry bomb comes your way, by all means use it!

Some general tips:

  • Try to stay somewhere in the middle of the screen so you can move in all directions to dodge the ice cream.

  • Power ups are important, but keeping the lives you have left is that even more. There is no point in racing to get an extra life to bump into another scoop before you even get there.

  • If there are two power ups from group 1 and group 2 close to each other, try to take the one from group 2 first if possible. Otherwise your speed or size will get reset again immediately.

  • Do NOT look at your score, the amount of scoops you already dodged/still need or anything else while playing. Even in the earlier levels not paying attention for a second can easily make you lose a life. If you notice you keep looking at it, I’d suggest to cover it up.

  • Don’t right click during the game, doing so results in an immediate game over.

  • This is not a game you want to play on a lagging computer. Some lag is no problem, but if the game lags too much and you lose a life, it can cause game over no matter how many other lives you have left.

  • Remember, practice makes perfect. For this game you need a small amount of luck, to get enough extra lives and bonus scoops, but it’s mainly about skills. Just keep practicing and you will get better at it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! I hope it will give you a better chance at a trophy or the avatar. Have fun playing! (:

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