Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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by _clement_

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Why Pet Collectors are Wonderful
Lots of Neopians collect something or other. Usually it’s something like an enormous number of codestones to train their pet, or perhaps 1,000,000 of their personal favourite item, or even items with a certain theme to put in their gallery. However, not all collectors hoard items – some of them collect pets! This article is dedicated to Neopia’s pet collectors and all the quirks which make them brilliant.

by katzam


Gourmet or Gross: A Foodie’s Guide
While ordinary Neopians in the past have turned their noses up at the mere mention of gross foods (and, of course, the smell), the recent foodie movement has brought gross foods back into the spotlight. Gross foods, formerly reserved for Alien Aishas and the least choosey of Skeiths, have been welcomed back onto dinner plates all across Neopia.

by panda_girl555


An Angel and A Devil
Faerieland was at its absolute best. In the month of Gathering, leaves were beginning to turn their autumn colors and a brisk wind blew. Evening had fallen and while the festival had officially ended, some were still enjoying themselves.

by 77thbigby


Caring for Kadoaties
Despite the piercing cries of the Kads, this was a dream job for one little Krawk named Kenadee. She had always wanted to work with Kadoaties as they were her favorite petpets in all of Neopia. And after all, they did need someone to tend to them while their owners were on vacation.

by atreyu_rules87

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