Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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At the End of the Day

by ezel68

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Perfectly Posh Poogle Outfits
As Poogle Day approaches, many Neopians are at a loss about which wearables they should choose for their Poogles. Fear not, because there are several Poogle-specific outfits that would look fantastic on any Poogle. These clothing pieces can be purchased at the Clothing Shop in Neopia Central or by using the Shop Wizard. Here are my recommendations.

by _brainchild_


The Trouble with Tridents: Part Three
What used to be a beautiful place -- shifting in different shades of blue, petpets dancing and twirling in the currents, and magnificent kelps and seashells shining in the sunlight coming down from the surface in colours of green, red, pink and blue -- was as it should be except for one thing: everything was purple.

Also by scherwoodz

by winterdreary


The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part One
My name is Phee, and I'm a Faerie Peophin. My birth name is Phoebe, technically. Or at least, that's what my sister tells me. I don't remember what I was named, because I barely remember our owner -- our mom.

by lizzy_beth_750551


Blossoms~ Retry Part 9
"Water" is entirely arbitrary; no one knows his actual last name.

by twillieblossom

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