Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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Apple Bobbing Blunder

by unnamedgraves

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Adventures Aren't Just in Books: Part Four
It was the 18th day of Storing just last year. Our species had been “discovered” a few days earlier. Of course, we have been on Neopia as long as you have we just preferred the mountains where we could be away from other species and have a pure Vandagyre society.

by kitstar1


The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Fve
After I say goodbye to Lana, who has been talking with a prospective owner the past few days -- a scholar, I believe -- I write a neomail to Tricia and update her. She was adopted two months ago by a similarly shy and incredibly sweet girl with two other pets who Tricia seemed to love immediately. Then I say goodbye to Bert, who has become a more or less a friendly presence to me since I stood up to him shortly after Terra left. Then it was time to say goodbye to everything else.

by lizzy_beth_750551


Half-Baked Potato
Erozo discovers the secret use of Lag-B-Gone Serum.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2.

by tizzlestix


Like Falling Asleep
“Is she coming back?” Marya asked. “Of course she is,” Caden said. “She loves us.” “Then where is she?”

by esthers123

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