White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,614,788 Issue: 702 | 9th day of Collecting, Y17
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Lab Ray Rules: Why You Follow Them...

by sarah2396

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Neopian Dining: The Golden Dubloon
Tonight I'll tell you about my experience at The Golden Dubloon, one of Neopia’s oldest restaurants. It has a rich history all its own, and it’s still a much-loved part of the island today. And though it’s popular with tourists, it’s also where the locals come to eat, which is always a good sign.

by lycheeprincess


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 1
Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't there, hidden in the Shadows.

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Fire-Born: Part Two
What had happened? Was there a fire? Vineti the Chocolate Aisha looked around the rest of the room, but everything else was normal. She could have sworn something had been burning, and there was ash on her bedcovers.

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A Day in the Life of a Weewoo
The blue Kacheek finished the last sentence of the letter, dipping the quill into the ink one more time to sign her name in a flourish. Next to her, Avis, a white Weewoo, dozed in a roomy bird cage, her head tucked under her wing.

by butterfly7672

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