A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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The Struggles for an Avatar

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

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Great stories!


A Clean Slate
The gate clangs shut behind him, the metallic reverberations humming in his ears. Turning his head only slightly, he watches from the corner of his eye as two guards shuffle away. A creaking noise, and the doors to the prison of Darigan Citadel swing open to usher them in.

Also by sweatshirts2

by bruno039


Turning Pages: Part Two
A collective of sounds echoed about the room. Such a chorus of ‘ahs’ could only be compared to the pure delight of watching a rocket blast off to Kreludor for the very first time. A few of them even brushed their hands over the machine, taking note of its polished surface and pristine metal keys.

Also by parody_ham

by warriorsrock965


Curious Creatures: Lab Ray Only Petpets
If you have access to the Petpet Laboratory (which can only be visited after completing the Secret Laboratory Map), then you have probably encountered a myriad of unique petpets formed by the mysterious light over the course of your zapping excursions. However, you might not have seen the ones that are specific to the Lab Ray only.

by _brainchild_


Ten Perks of Owning a Skeith
In honour of this awesome, seemingly sometimes overlooked species, I have compiled a list of ten perks of owning a Skeith, in the hope of convincing some of you non-Skeith owners out there to consider adopting one!

by aisha_painter119

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