Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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Eclectic Antics: Happy Birthday, Neopets!

by amarettoball

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Unique Spooky Foods
Some Spooky Foods are more unique than others. Sure, gummy rats are spooky, but there are three different kinds. Not very unique, right? And I couldn't tell you how many of those foods come from ghosts... Those aren't very special either. No, here I'll show you the strangest, spookiest, most unique foods ever to come out of the Haunted Woods. Ready? Here we go.

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The Neopian Pound - That's No Life
This inspired me to begin regularly fostering abandoned neopets and helping them find good homes. The process starts with a search in the pound, where I look at each available pet one by one to determine who most needs my help. Today, I not only help Chias, but pets of all species.

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Ariathia vs Chomby
Eat carrots!

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Library of Kindness
"Rangeant, you're late again." Captain Threelegs muttered in front of the class. "I'm sorry Captain Threelegs. I overslept." I laughed as I walked through the Academy's classroom, walking to my seat. Captain Threelegs continued discussing the lesson while I was busy preparing things.

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