Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,715,005 Issue: 709 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y17
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by iluminescent

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Living With Wuggles
This goes out to my dear FireLilyWuggles, who I adore even in all of her insanity.

by chadley_the_ukulele


Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Eight
It was now incredibly late. Where most rescue missions would be aided by the cover of dark, these eight neopets felt a growing trepidation; they would soon be facing off against an organization that thrived under the cover of darkness. The young Desert Scarabs filed out into the snow, decked in winter gear loaned to them by the current captain of the operation. Their entire bodies shook with the force of the cold, unused to the Terror Mountain climate after a lifetime spent in the hot Lost Desert sun. But they must persevere.

by hybatsu


Things That We're Lucky Enough To Ignore!
In the Neopets universe, my pets' clothes never get dirty! There is no need for a Neopian Laundromat, for example, to wipe out coffee and ketchup stains. Inspired by this random thought, I thought I'd ask my fellow players, in what ways is the Neopets universe more fun and convenient than real life? What are some things that we're lucky enough to ignore?

by indulgences


The Amulet's Curse: Part Five
Aethia led them down many flights of stairs, winding their way past countless rooms, the temperature around them gradually dropping. Eventually, they went down their last staircase to find themselves in a large room. It was cold inside, the room was created completely out of grey stone. The walls extended to a high ceiling with only two small windows. “The dungeons.” Aethia explained.

by corrina404

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