Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,761,390 Issue: 705 | 30th day of Collecting, Y17
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The Evil-ution of Edna

by iluminescent

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Adventures in the Catacombs: Part One
It was a warm afternoon and the sun was beaming brightly in the sky as Ruaalia the Plushie Cybunny walked briskly towards the Haunted Woods. It wasn't her favourite place to visit, but she was on a mission: to help her friend go on the adventure of a lifetime.

by alynda


Janet and Jane: Halloween
You should see what she did the the Fresh Food shop!

by chasing_stars44


And Then There Was Silence: Part One: Part Three
inneus has been flying for a few miles now, constantly checking the ground below to make sure he isn't being pursued by that terrifying assassin. So far, the coast is clear, the assassin is nowhere to be found, and his ego has never been so huge.

by theschizophrenicpunk


The Amulet's Curse: Part One
She crept along the ice silently. One sound and she’d be discovered - all of their effort would be for nothing. Carefully, she thought as she delicately walked across the slippery floor. If something were to happen to her it would be all over, everything would be lost…

by corrina404

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