The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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A Puppyblew's Adventure

by sophieauditore

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All a Meowclops Wants
Everyone just wants to fit in.

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The 10(-ish) NC Wearables You Had No Idea Were Cool
But here are some wearables you may not have known about that tend to be extremely hard to find (or HTF)--while their Clara cap value is 5 or fewer, if you're after one of these coveted items you may well have to put in significant time and even a substantial "overoffer" to hunt even a single willing trader down.

by playinthewaves


Baby Blues

by placebo_533


The Thief
They say it only happens once every eighty years. The Prism. The sky is so much larger, so much more vast, than I can even comprehend. It glows in hues of purple and pink, silver and navy; it's like tender veins, reflections in the ocean, or millions of lost stars waiting to die. I’ve sat in this exact spot every night for weeks, doing just what I’m doing now, but never before has it been like this.

by the_pie_love

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