Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,816,384 Issue: 716 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y18
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NeoPaper: A Trip on Mystery Island

by mbredboy31

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Desperately Needed Wearable Items: Pet Hobbies.
However, there is still a gap in the wearables market that I think is yet to be filled: hobbies! There’s so much in Neopia, for players & pets, to help pass the time, it seems criminal not to have wearables to match! Therefore I have taken it upon myself to compile some examples of much-needed wearables, and most importantly, supplied some suggestions for people from what wearables are already available (yes, you’re right, perhaps I need a hobby).

by blueberrymuffinpops


Top 13 Ways to Lull Your Neopet to Sleep
Have you ever spent a whole night trying to get your Neopets to sleep? This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they complain about how they’re tossing and turning all night. If you have ever struggled with this sort of issue, then you have come to the right place! We have used our wealth of experience to compile some great ways to efficiently put your pet to bed.

Also by drobit

by bha288


Ghostkerchief Woes
Wait... What?

by turtling


Lord Faerigan - Fyora's Role in the Meridell Wars: Part Two
"Oh don’t worry about me. I just need a bit of a breather. Hmm...actually I was wondering if you could remind me when Faerieland would pass over Darigan Citadel next."

"Certainly Fyora, that would be tomorrow actually."

"Tomorrow? Oh, well, please mark some time on my schedule so I can visit with Lord Darigan. Call it a diplomacy meeting."

by black_skull725

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