Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,765,667 Issue: 712 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y17
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'Tis the Season

by pirate_11

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Alone for the Holidays
The holiday season is upon us. Most commonly called by humans “December” or the “Season of Giving,” it is a time when all the neopets and their owners gather together in harmony and good cheer, a time for reunion with loved ones, and a time when abundance is felt by all, rich and poor. Owners will roam the newly decorated streets as they search for gifts for their neopets, and those lucky enough will be at the NC mall stuffing their spectacular stockings.

by lionkirbys


Anniversary - Part 13
Oh, you defeated the Darkest Faerie in three seconds? Must be a new record.

by caylista


A Settling of Differences
The spirit of Christmas comes in many different forms. It often symbolizes togetherness, family, caring for one another, ending one life while slowly building another. But in most occasions, Christmas is nothing more than an opportunity for change, a day of giving. This was not one of those occasions.

Also by lute248

by cherishtwilight


Simeon's Song: Part One
Ember is standing in the threshold to her kids' peaceful Market Town home, panting and sweating after a frantic run all the way from Werelupe Woods. She's taken a wide stance, as if preparing for a fight, holding a carved bone dagger she doesn't quite know how to use in one hand and half-eaten peachpa in the other. In her panicked rush, she had thrown open the heavy door, sending it slamming against the wall.

by theschizophrenicpunk

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