Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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by mistyqee

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Ink: Full Circle
Then we'll find a way to tell your story.

by june_scarlet


Proving the Existence of Jelly World
n building off down a dark alley in Neopia Central, a group of pets got together to discuss an idea that many would not be able to voice in public. “Now, I’m not saying it is true right away,” Started their self-proclaimed leader, a Jelly Kau named Jeandra, “But suppose that Jelly World does actually exist.”

by greenj12356


Shopkeepers: The Truth Behind the Counter
And then I did a double-take. Because the shopkeeper was none other than Fyora herself. Her Royal Faerie Highness was standing there behind the counter, waving as I left the store dumbstruck. What was the Faerie Queen doing tending a small shop in Altador, waiting for passers-by to peruse her employer’s selection of partially-eaten omelettes?

by cosmicfire918


The Secret Behind the Wishing Well
I’m pretty sure we all know the Wishing Well. Remember that old well you used to stand by in Neopia Central, aimlessly dropping countless coins in while muttering about a Faerie Paint Brush? Well, I’m here to prove to you that it’s not as magical and innocent as it seems. Yes, it might seem crazy now, but I’m telling you- that well isn’t what it seems to be.

by butterfly7672

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