White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Ink: Full Circle

by june_scarlet

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As the Wheels Turn
Have you ever wondered what exactly it is that powers the wheels of Neopia? For example, where does the Wheel of Excitement get all those Neopoints? How do the wheels get the power to inflict illnesses? And most important of all, what is it that keeps the Wheel of Monotony spinning for so long?

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Pant Devils Pants
The Pant Devil steals back what is his.

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Tour De Neopia: Mystery Edition
Neopia is a world filled with many wonders! But with many wonders comes many mysteries, and Neopia is no exception. With there being so many lands, each with their own set of mysteries, I’ll be looking into one of the most well known mystery for each land and see what I can discover about them. There will be answers, intrigue, twists, and certainly more questions created.

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Random Oddness
Moral of the story - don't trust strangers.

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