Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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NeoPaper: Symol Logic

by mbredboy31

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Strange Strangers: Part One
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Proving the Existence of Jelly World
n building off down a dark alley in Neopia Central, a group of pets got together to discuss an idea that many would not be able to voice in public. “Now, I’m not saying it is true right away,” Started their self-proclaimed leader, a Jelly Kau named Jeandra, “But suppose that Jelly World does actually exist.”

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Mysteries Of Neopia!
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The Unsettling Aftereffects
The investigation had taken longer than most, but eventually Martenik had narrowed it down to two suspects. One of them had certainly stolen the Air Faerie’s blue topaz crystal.

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