Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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by chemoi

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Mysteries of the Kadoatery
Feepits aren't as innocent as they seem

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667


A SCIENTIFIC Look at Conspiracies and Mysteries
I, DOC, will be your humble guide to the eldritch realms of the strange and bizarre... FOR SCIENCE!

by homsar_eggplant


Eclectic Antics: The True Ghoul Catchers
Even the Ghoul Catchers outsource their work.

by amarettoball


The Secret Behind the Wishing Well
I’m pretty sure we all know the Wishing Well. Remember that old well you used to stand by in Neopia Central, aimlessly dropping countless coins in while muttering about a Faerie Paint Brush? Well, I’m here to prove to you that it’s not as magical and innocent as it seems. Yes, it might seem crazy now, but I’m telling you- that well isn’t what it seems to be.

by butterfly7672

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