Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,816,384 Issue: 716 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y18
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Spyder and Flies

by applefaerie99

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Long Shadows: Part Seven
The spell cast by Morguss and the Three had been successful; the Defenders had arrived too late to stop them from resurrecting Captain Nefarious. Morguss cackled evilly at the gathered heroes and her leer turned more cruel. She turned to look at Nefarious and bowed.

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Neoquest II - Lost in the Lost Desert
Sand as far as the eye can see...

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Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Six
The entire chamber was consumed in pitch-black darkness. The air thick, cold as the ice caves. The only sounds were the distant echoes of water dripping onto the floor and the faint howling of the wind travelling through the many holes and tunnels scattered around the cavern.

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A Good Run for the Money
The hand doesn't give, but it does take.

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