There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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Around and Around They Go...

by sophieauditore

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Great stories!


He'd Have To Wait
The foliage was springy underpaw as Lopez stepped through the jungle, a camera strung around his neck. After a pawstep, the leaves would jump right back up to where they had been a second before. As the Kougra walked on, the sun grew fainter and fainter, the surroundings growing dark. Bright green plants changed into dark bushes as he walked on.

by jrayeb3


Lord Faerigan - Fyora's Role in the Meridell Wars: Part Three
Queen Fyora watched the land below from the top of her tower. She saw the Meridell knights enter the citadel. She witnessed them fighting against the Darigans. As quickly as she could, she deployed a peacekeeping envoy of faeries to the citadel in hopes that they would be able to talk some sense into both sides.

by black_skull725


Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part I
In which Kaune shows the most polite way to wake someone up.

by amarettoball


More Of Your Neopets Neuroses!
There's certainly no lack of neuroses around here. Although my first article was chock full of our quirks and idiosyncrasies, it still took me a mere hour to collect a brand new batch of neuroses for this second article! I canvassed the Neoboards, asking my fellow players what their neuroses are. I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences

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