Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,924,599 Issue: 725 | 25th day of Running, Y18
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Relationship Advice

by likelife96

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Voyage of the Haunted Canoe
Water swished gently against the hull of their little canoe. In daylight, the canoe glinted a deep red, but in the dark it seemed more like dried blood. Greebles peeped and Flightning Bugs buzzed out of sight on the riverbanks. The scene seemed peaceful enough, but not all the occupants of the canoe were so sure.

by newenglandquizzer


The Dubious Disagreement
Two Neopets try to find their friendship ... even though they don't know where they left it.

by minkton


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Eight
It had been more than a full day since Buzz Johnson had absconded with Morphica, and Elise was nursing a headache. It was mostly caused by Bluejay. Her younger brother just would not shut up about having been right not to trust Buzz to be alone with Morphica.

by kristykimmy


Gadgadsbogen - Prepare for the Festivities!
Each month of Running, Neopians every where get to experience the best that Mystery Island has to offer – Gadgadsbogen. Translated to “good good day”, the festival runs all month and new fruits are discovered.

by trubiekatie

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