A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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Furniture Shopping

by ketchup547

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Rohane's Odyssey
Forth young Rohane ventured, armed with just his father's sword, a taste for some adventure and his mother's faithful words. Near to Trestin Village, out on the surrounding plains the local Lupes attacked and he began to gain some strength.

by 0123kl


Lord Faerigan - Fyora's Role in the Meridell Wars: Part Four
Dear Queen Fyora, I am deeply troubled about Lord Darigan. It seems that he is under the influence of the orb or some other dark magic. In a brief moment of sanity, he said there were voices in his head. Other times, he’s overcome by rage, threatening to take out King Skarl and the entire Meridell Army. Everyone has tried to talk sense back into him but it doesn’t seem to be working.

by black_skull725


Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part II
But the real question is: can you really use a frying pan as a weapon?

by amarettoball


Letters to Goose
Dear Goose, I’m sorry that I haven’t written as often as I promised but I’ve been busy settling into my new home. My initial impressions of it were somewhat mixed but I’ve come to like it since. I’ve always wanted to live in an old, spooky mansion like this. I’m getting inspiration for my mystery novel every hour I spend here.

by chistise

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