White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,961,411 Issue: 727 | 8th day of Eating, Y18
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Beach Ball Theft

by lyndsey4657

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Lylin_Fire, The Fierce, Red Wocky
I had always wanted a special Neopet, but this was not what I wanted. A picky, rude, ungrateful pet that will refuse to eat or drink anything but bottled water. This all happened about a year ago, when I was putting water away in case there was a shortage.

by kittens4life6


Neopian Zombie Apocalypse: How to Survive
The next stage is on survival. Now that you know where to hide your neopets, it is time to learn how to survive the Neopian zombie apocalypse. Surviving long term until the Neopian scientists find a cure for this catastrophe is the most essential step you can take in helping your neopets live longer as a non-zombified neopet.

by yuri445


Random Oddness
It's not wise to get on Tangeriiine's bad side.

by mistyqee


UC Troubles: Express Yourself!
Those poor things... I wish they could express themselves...

by praline01

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